Dental Management of Children With Disabilities & the Medically Compromized Patient (1303783)
Course Description :
The course entails discussions pertaining to genetics, physically and mentally disabled patient and/or associated craniofacial syndromes. During this course the student will also gain knowledge of dental aspects of systemic diseases in terms of their effect on dental treatment and their effect on the oral hard and soft tissues.  They will learn the effects of drugs used in the treatment of systemic diseases on the oral health of the patient and the how they complicate dental treatment. Students treat medically compromised patients and those with disabilities. Comprehensive treatment is rendered with a variety of management techniques, including conscious sedation and general anesthesia.
Department :Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics and Preventive Dentistry
Program :Master of Science in Pediatric Dentistry
Course Level :Master
Course Outline :
Medically compromised.pdf